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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Week 3 Madonna

Now I know not everyone is a Madonna fan but she is truly a music icon and her music has influenced so many artists following in her footsteps. So I know there must be at least one song that has reached out to you in some way.

As for me I'm definately more of an old school Madonna fan, I have two favourites. The first is Crazy for You, it's your typical 80's love song and the second is Holiday, which is more fun and carefree, lol.


Unknown said...

DEFINITELY "Crazy For You". That song reminds me of those teenage years. (I think it was from a movie with Eric Stoltz?)

Renee said...

Always loved the ballads...I'll Remember and Rain....and one of my all time favorites...call me crazy is La Isla Bonita. I truly love all her stuff to be honest...but there are some of my two cents worth...lol

Cheryl B. said...


Kim R. said...

Like a Virgin

Lacintha said...

Give it to me

Pat said...

American Pie

Mary P said...

Ray of Light and Papa Don't Preach

bcgal00 Rae said...

Gotta be "Papa Don't Preach".

Tammy said...

mmmm, not so much, she's just eh for me, even had tix to her concert here and sold them, but if i picked one it would be that newer one where she's a cowgirl in the video, see don't even know the name of it, but i do know that when i see it/hear it, it's alright

Brenna said...

Tammy it's called "Music"...thanks for the comment and your honesty.

hayleycreates said...

I like her a lot..it's true. so this is really hard for me to nail down one.
If I had to pick one very very favourite, I think it would be...
Nothing Fails.

Man that's a toughie.

Ki Kruk said...

Just cause it's the most current one I can think of and there's so many of her old ones to choose from... I'll take "4 minutes" with J.T.